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Nexigen Digital has acquired Clickhost

On 1 July 2024, Nexigen Digital announced that it had acquired the customers and assets of Clickhost.

Nexigen Digital is Australia’s largest privately owned digital service provider and is home to market-leading brands including VentraIP, Synergy Wholesale and Intaserve. The company employs more than 90 local staff who provide 24/7 customer service and technical support to more than 350,000 Australian customers.

This acquisition will see all customers from Clickhost transferred to Nexigen Digital’s retail arm, VentraIP.

We are pleased to welcome Clickhost’s customers to the family. With so much competition from international companies, it is always an achievement for us to keep everything local and provide a range of new products and services that will help them continue to grow their business online.


  • signed by cheyne jonstone
    Cheyne Jonstone
    Co-founder & Co-CEO
  • signed by angelo giuffrida
    Angelo Giuffrida
    Co-founder & Co-CEO
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Common questions you might have

What happened with Clickhost?

On 1 July 2024, Nexigen Digital announced the acquisition of Clickhost, a retail Australian provider of web hosting, and domain names.

The acquisition will see all customers from Clickhost transferred to Nexigen Digital’s retail arm, VentraIP.

What will happen from here?

For the time being, everything will remain the same, and you can continue to log into your Clickhost account to manage your services. Over the next few weeks, the VentraIP team will move your services as they currently stand to be managed through VentraIP’s own management system, VIPcontrol.

How will my Clickhost account be billed from now on?

For the time being everything will remain the same, and you will be billed as usual via your Clickhost account.

All Clickhost customers will receive further correspondence from our team once services have been moved into their VIPcontrol account, at which point billing will be handled within VIPcontrol.

VentraIP assures you that the price you currently pay for your Clickhost service will not change for the next three years, including any subsequent renewals.

What is happening to my Clickhost domain names?

Until further notice, all Clickhost domain names will continue to be managed within your Clickhost account

All domain names will soon be automatically and seamlessly moved over into your VIPcontrol account. As most of Clickhost’s domain names are registered via our sister company Synergy Wholesale, we’re able to seamlessly move all domain names without the need to change domain registrar.

It’s important to note that these changes will not impact any services you have tied to your domain name (such as email or web hosting services) and these will continue to function as normal.

If your domain does not appear in VIPcontrol and you’d like our team to assist you with a domain transfer, please do not hesitate to call us on

13 24 85 or submit an eTicket via VIPcontrol with the request.

View our domain names FAQ section for more information.

How do I manage my Clickhost hosting service?

Until further notice, all Clickhost hosting services will continue to be managed within your Clickhost account

All active Clickhost customers will soon have a VIPcontrol account created for them based on the details stored within the Clickhost billing portal.

You will receive further information at a later date from the VentraIP team regarding the migration from Clickhost to our own hardware. Once your migration is complete, all hosting services will be managed within your own VIPcontrol account.

If we need to conduct a physical hosting migration of services before being moved into VIPcontrol, you will be notified by email with the details you need.

You can find some further information on VIPcontrol in our FAQ articles here.

How do I get support for my Clickhost services?

All Clickhost customers are encouraged to continue using the Clickhost support system for tickets, and the VentraIP phone number for 24/7 phone support. 

You will be able to access LiveChat support by visiting the VentraIP website. Once customers’ accounts are moved to VentraIP, they will receive further information to advise them to use VIPcontrol for eTicket support

Or call us any time on 13 24 85.

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